Kelowna Renovations , Kelowna Bathroom renovations, Kelowna Kitchen Renovations Single Family Home Kelowna Home Renovation Late ‘80’s single family home, completely renovated throughout, resulting in a stylish, practical, contemporary living space that provides a relaxing haven from the world outside Four-plexThis extensive project transformed a rundown residential rental building into a modern, 4 property strata, providing comfort, affordability and a great investment return
Example renovation projects:
Heritage Home

A great example of how significant improvements are achieved, whilst maintaining character. A project such as this focuses on incorporating modern convenience and function into classical style
Renovation of your existing property not only has a positive impact on the quality of your life, but when done in the right way, also on the your finances
Let our experience be your guide in assisting you to make the right decisions and maximize the returns from your investment, both now and in the future.
Kelowna, BC
Tel: (250) 801-7696